Meet the Team



Nan Wehipeihana

Nan Wehipeihana is an independent evaluation consultant, based in Wellington New Zealand. Nan established Research Evaluation Consultancy in 1997 and is a member of the Kinnect Group. Nan has more than 20 years evaluation experience and specializes in evaluation and research with a focus on Maori (the Indigenous people of New Zealand). Nan's iwi (tribal) affiliations are to Ngāti Porou and Te Whānau-ā-Apanui on the East Coast of the North Island and Ngāti Tukorehe and Ngāti Raukawa, north of Wellington, New Zealand.


Kate McKegg

Kate McKegg has specialist skills in developmental evaluation as well as policy and programme evaluation, evaluation capacity building, research, teaching, training and facilitation. She has 20 years applying these skills in many sectors, including environment, education, health, social development, Māori and indigenous development, sport, broadcasting, employment, and housing. She is a founding member of the Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association (ANZEA), and is the current deputy convenor.Kate has a unique blend of grounded evaluation, research and policy experience, coupled with a strong theoretical grounding in social, political and evaluation theory. 


NORa Murphy Johnson

Dr. Nora Murphy Johnson has a broad set of experiences as an evaluator, researcher, and educator. She has nearly twenty years working with people to support learning and social change. Her primary approach to evaluation is to view programs and people as fundamentally interrelated. Nora’s evaluations are utilization-focused, and seek to weave connections and support change at the intersection of learning, arts, and social justice. Nora is a founding member of TerraLuna Collaborative and serves as the Principal Visionary Officer.



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Jane Davidson

Dr. Jane Davidson is an internationally recognized and award winning evaluation thought leader, methodologist, and practitioner. She is best known for developing evaluation rubrics as a robust yet practical methodology for drawing conclusions about quality, value, and effectiveness. Jane is author of Evaluation Methodology Basics: The nuts and bolts of sound evaluation (2005, Sage), which has sold heavily in both the US and internationally as a graduate text and practitioner guidebook. She also brings to her work deep expertise in organizational learning and whole-systems change. Now based in Seattle, Jane is sought after internationally as a keynote speaker, author, evaluation coach, and workshop presenter, known for her signature approach of methodologically robust but refreshingly practical evaluation with breakthrough clarity.

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A. Rafael Johnson

A. Rafael Johnson is the lead arts-based evaluator for TerraLuna Collaborative, where he uses the methodologies of the arts to understand systems, organizations, and programs. His fiction and essays have appeared in Callaloo, Kweli Journal, African American Review, and Excavating Honesty: An Anthology of Rage and Hope in America. His first novel, ‘The Through’ is currently a finalist for the Minnesota Book Award. He currently teaches at The Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Andy writes the daily blog UNOFFICIAL, which helps readers navigate and resist the Trump Administration. In 2014, Andy was named a Fellow at Kimbilio Fiction.

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Kataraina is a facilitator, evaluator and composer/musician with an interest in participatory and kaupapa Māori approaches to evaluation. Her expertise traverses evaluation, research, facilitation, training and singing/songwriting. She is the National PATH Facilitation Trainer and is a Master TetraMap Facilitator. She enjoys the opportunity to work alongside colleagues in ways that enable a diverse range of perspectives to unravel the ‘magic’ of initiatives to find out what really works, in what ways and for whom.